Legal notice

The owner of this website is the Company MEC SERVICIOS FUNERARIOS (hereinafter, MEC), with registered office at Tanatorio El Rosario, Calle Brezo 29, Polígono industrial de Arinaga, 35118, Agüimes, Las Palmas, Spain with CIF B76275080, EMAIL, telephone +34 928 18 49 50.

The use of this Web page attributes the status of User to whoever does so and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. If the User decides not to accept any of the aforementioned conditions or expresses any type of reservation, they must refrain from using the Website. Some aspects of this Web page, due to their specialty, may be subject to particular conditions or rules that may replace, complete or modify this Legal Notice, so they must also be read and accepted by the User.

All contents of this Website (texts, photographs, graphics, images, technology, software, links, audiovisual or sound content, graphic design, source code, etc.), as well as the brands and other distinctive signs are the property of MEC or from third parties, the User not acquiring any rights over them by the mere use of this Website.

MEC is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors in the publications it publishes, in any medium, nor for the consequences derived from the application of the aforementioned opinions to specific cases. Likewise, MEC is not responsible for the comments made by Users about the activities, subjects and events that it makes available to them on this website.

The use of this website for the purpose of harming property, rights or interests of MEC or third parties is prohibited. It is also prohibited to make any other use of this website that alters, damages or disables the networks, servers, equipment, products and computer programs of MEC or third parties.

The User must refrain from: a) reproducing, copying, distributing, making available to third parties, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the contents of this Web page, except in cases contemplated by law or expressly authorized by MEC or by the holder of said rights; b) reproduce or copy for private use the software or databases existing on this website, as well as communicate them publicly or make them available to third parties when this entails their reproduction; c) extract or reuse all or a substantial part of the contents of this Web page. reuse all or a substantial part of the contents of this Website. In any case, the use or reproduction of content or databases that is expressly authorized by MEC is excepted from the above.

The User who wants to introduce links to this Web page must comply with the following conditions: a) no frames or frames of any type may be established that surround the Web page or allow it to be viewed through different Internet addresses or together with content unrelated to this Page. Web, in a way that produces, or may produce, error or confusion in users about the origin of the service or its content, implies an act of unfair comparison or imitation, serves to take advantage of the reputation, brand and prestige of MEC or its clients or is done in any other way that is prohibited by Law; b) from the page that contains the link, no type of false or inaccurate statement may be made about MEC, about the quality of its services or about its suppliers, employees or clients; c) The sender may not use the brand or any other distinctive sign of MEC within its website, except in cases authorized by law or expressly permitted by MEC; d) the page that establishes the link must comply with current legislation and may not have or link to illegal, harmful content, contrary to morality and good customs, that produce or may produce the false idea that MEC endorses or supports the ideas, statements or actions of the sender or that are inappropriate in relation to the activity carried out by MEC and its clients, taking into account the contents and general theme of the Web page where the link is established.

MEC is not responsible for controlling that this Website does not contain malicious code or any other harmful computer element that could cause damage to the USER’s computer system or that of third parties. It is up to the USER, in any case, to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of these elements. Accordingly, MEC is not responsible for any damage caused to computer equipment during access to this Website. Likewise, MEC will not be responsible for damages caused to Users when these have their origin in failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that interrupt the service of this Website.

This Website may include technical link devices that allow the user to access other Internet pages (links). MEC does not know the contents and services of the links and therefore is not responsible for any damages derived from their lack of quality, outdatedness, unavailability, error, uselessness or illegality and is not responsible for the statements made or the contents or services provided. through them. If any user becomes aware that the links refer to pages whose content or services are illicit, harmful, degrading, violent or immoral, they may contact MEC indicating this.

Contracting MEC’s own products and services, and registrations for activities organized by it that Users carry out through this website, for consideration or free of charge, entail the necessary acceptance of the general contracting conditions, which are available at the same. If the User does not accept any of the rules established in the aforementioned document or expresses any type of reservation, he or she must refrain from making any type of contract or registration through it.

Sometimes, Users who are going to contract a service or product available on the MEC website, are redirected, after selecting the option “Buy”, “Download”, “Acquire”, etc., to contact addresses or websites of third parties with whom MEC has reached collaboration agreements or with whom it has good references or knows their prestige. In these cases, the User will contract directly with said third parties the services or products that have been offered on the MEC website. MEC is not responsible for contracts made directly through these contact addresses or third-party websites and will be the responsibility of the User, without prejudice to the information that, where appropriate, MEC provides at the time of selecting said services or products. , look at the domain of the contact address or website and the identity of the third party with whom the services or products are being contracted, as well as accept the legal conditions applicable to them.

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish legislation, with the Spanish Courts and Tribunals being competent to hear any questions that may arise regarding its interpretation, application and compliance. The User, by virtue of accepting the conditions set out in this Legal Notice, expressly renounces any different jurisdiction that, by application of current Law, may correspond to them. In any case, if current legislation allows submission to a specific jurisdiction, the User voluntarily submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals WHICH correspond to Tuineje. The User will be liable to MEC and to third parties for any damages or losses that may be caused by failure to comply with these obligations.”